Live Radio Interview
Felipe Arizon was live interviewed by the Radio Station Cadena Cope in Málaga last Wednesday 26 of October 2011. This was part of the program held at this Radio Station by the Málaga Association of Business and Corporations.
As Head of the Legal Department of the Málaga Ship Agent and Port Operators Association, Felipe was asked questions about how the Spanish crisis was affecting the maritime and trade sector, and how the development of the Malaga port is perceived by the industry.
So too Felipe Arizon was questioned about the current position of the law firm he is heading; Arizon Abogados SLP in the current economic context. The firms is doing very well as we have bet for quality rather than a clumsy growth. Clients are very happy in the way things are developing and with the long standing trend of all plaintiffs’ cases being won by us. This is all very satisfactory despite hard work to obtain, he said.