2010, Shiparrested.com meeting in Antwerp (Belgium).

Last 3-5 June the 7th Shiparrested.com network held its 2010 General Meeting in Antwerp (Belgium). The meeting was hosted by the Belgium maritime firm D’Hoine & Mackay and chaired by Steven D’ Hoine and Valentine de Callataÿ.

A series of 9 lectures took place at the Hiton hotel where more than 70 attendees gathered to participate in this well known event. Among the attendees there were 58 lawyers and an arbitrator from Europe, US, South America, Africa and Asia, counting a total of 32 countries. In addition to the lawyers, many of the leading Belgium underwriters attended the meeting following the sponsorship of  D’Hoine & Mackay and Arizon Abogados SLP, including well known insurers Ace Insurance, Nateus or Amlin. Many socials events took place around the city of Antwerp.


Dr. Felipe Arizon was The founder of this network and his firm Arizon Abogados SLP remains a major sponsor of it. He was delighted to hear that next year the 8th meeting will take place in Greece.
